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Are you going to travel? Discover what we have for you

Quinta do Moinho - Nature Tourism

Vilar Formoso Train Station

This train station is distinguished by its iconic architectural features that reflect the local past.

Castle Mendo's Town Gates

The Porta da Vila (Town Gate) is the main access to the village, which contrasts with the other village gates as it is flanked by two turrets that give it monumentality.


Quinta do Nobre - Rural Tourism Lodging

Restaurant o Lagarto

Nobre Vinhos & Tal Restaurant

Seafood Restaurant O Caçador

Marialva Castle

Marialva Castle is one of the most singular ruins of Portuguese castles. The line of walls interrupted by two wickets and two gates (the gate of the Guardian Angel and the gate of Monte) hide a cluster of ruins: the Paçom Alcáçova, the Town Hall, the Jail and the Court, as well as the pillory, the cistern, the Keep, two churches and five towers.

Restaurant Zé Nabeiro